Lesson 27

学习资源 2018-11-22 05:02:32 学习资源
[摘要]Lesson 27Note: This lesson revises Shall we ? and be going to Ste


Lesson 27

Note: This lesson revises Shall we ...? and be going to.

Step 1 Revision

1 Check the homework.

2 Books closed! Revise the names of animals that the Ss have learnt. Get a student who is good at drawing to draw these animals on the Bb. Ask Which is the smallest/biggest/strongest/nicest animal? Which is bigger, a tiger or a panda? etc.

3 Briefly revise comparative and superlative forms of adjectives, including more/most; better/best.

Step 2 Puzzle dialogues

Review the ways of making a suggestion: Shall we…? Let"s…Why not…? and What about…?

SB page 27, Part 1. Ss work in pairs to match the dialogues . Then check the answers with the class. The answers are: 1-F, 2-E, 3-A, 4-C, 5-B, 6-D.

Step 3 Reading

SB page 27, Part 2. Say Look at the picture. What can you see?

Tell the Ss Football is very popular in China . popular/"p&pju:l+/means many people like it. Ask What kind of football are they going to play tomorrow? Let the Ss read the first dialogue to find the answer. Ask What"s the Chinese for “soccer”/“American football”?

Draw two columns on the Bb. Head them Football and American football . Say Read the second half of the dialogue and find the differences between football and American football. Help the Ss to answer:

Football American football

11 players 11 players

It has a round ball. The ball looks like an egg.

Step 4 Practice

SB page 27, Part 2. Speech Cassette Lesson 27.

Play the tape. Ss listen and repeat. Get the Ss to practise the dialogue dramatically in pairs .

Step 5 Workbook

Wb Lesson 27, Exx . 1-4. For Ex . 1, do the first sentence orally as a model . Then Ss write the answers alone or in pairs . The answers are: taller, tallest; the busiest; dearer; longer, the longest; more .

Ex.2 is an oral exercise. Do it with the whole class .

Practise the questions and answers in Ex. 3 with the class, then get the Ss to ask each other Which ball game do you like best ?

Ex. 4 is optional. If there is time, let Ss read and act it in class .


Ask the Ss to go through Checkpoints 1 to 6 and make a note of any problems.

Lesson 27


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